Monday, September 29, 2014

RIP, Aaron Schwartz [questions]

Aaron Schwartz
"...The left has succeeded in making it sound hollow and unconvincing. Your average liberal blogger is happy to admit all the papers are full of lies, all the politicians are bland sellouts, and the government is run by lobbyists and corporate hacks. And (nothing new here) your average citizen is happy to agree (it takes a lot of education to be dumb enough to think otherwise). But where do you go from there"
"...The economic crisis has shattered the Washington Consensus more than a thousand Chomsky op-eds could, while the Internet has made it possible to organize people by the million. But the left can’t seem to move beyond its reactive stance. If you want books that criticize the policies of the Bush administration, you can fill up a whole library. But if you want books on what to do instead, where do you go?"
"...I’ll even go further and take a stab at describing Chomsky’s solution: democracy. Media democracy, to prevent the population from being misled by deluded elites with big megaphones. Economic democracy, to promote a better mix and fairer distribution of societal goods and necessary evils. And political democracy, so that our military isn’t led by murderous thugs into endless immoral engagements.
This philosophy is so different from the dominant consensus that it takes far more than two paragraphs to explain, let alone argue for. But who’s even trying? Instead, the audience is forced to read a shelf of Chomsky and reverse-engineer the principles behind it.
This is better than nothing—it worked for me—but it obviously puts a hard limit on who can be persuaded. People without the time or the ability end up as the folks you see in liberal blog comments: people who know something is badly wrong, but aren’t quite sure what it is or what to do about it.
In short, leftist intellectuals need to move from simply poking holes in the dominant consensus to clearly articulating their alternative and proposing a concrete method for promoting it (Chomsky, for all his brilliance, seems to espouse a theory of change that doesn’t go much beyond getting people at his book readings to join the local ISM chapter). I hope that more people will, because I sometimes fear that if they don’t, there may not be many leftist intellectuals anymore." /Aaron Schwartz/
[you can read the whole article here:]

Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet Hacktivist.
Swartz was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS and the Markdown publishing format, the organization Creative Commons, the website framework and the social news site, Reddit, in which he became a partner after its merger with his company, Infogami.

Swartz's work also focused on sociology, civic awareness and activism. He helped launch the Progressive Change Campaign Committee in 2009 to learn more about effective online activism. In 2010 he became a research fellow at Harvard University's Safra Research Lab on Institutional Corruption, directed by Lawrence Lessig. He founded the online group Demand Progress, known for its campaign against the Stop Online Piracy Act.
On January 6, 2011, Swartz was arrested by MIT police on state breaking-and-entering charges, after systematically downloading academic journal articles from JSTOR. Federal prosecutors later charged him with two counts of wire fraud and 11 violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, carrying a cumulative maximum penalty of $1 million in fines, 35 years in prison, asset forfeiture, restitution and supervised release.
Swartz declined a plea bargain under which he would serve six months in federal prison. Two days after the prosecution rejected a counter-offer by Swartz, he was found dead in his Brooklyn, New York apartment, where he had hanged himself."

[His blog: and]

Friday, September 26, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Let Freedom Ring


"We are afraid to approach the fathomless and bottomless groundlessness of everything."

/-- R.D.Laing, The Politics of Experience/  
[Kollektiv Turmstrasse - Let Freedom Ring Remix]

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Quit [questions about modern slavery]

two shift leaders were talking to each other at 15:57, M arrived as they had to start their shift at 16:00. M wanted to start their work but one of the 2 shift leaders called them over and said to them and to the other shift leader: - "M would like to work here."
the other shift leader: - "M., actually would you like to work?"
M: - "do I have another choice?"
the two shift leaders became a little bit confused by M's half-ironic smile (M started working there almost 3 months ago).
the above leader's favorite little song, what the new employees had to repeat after him during the preparation for the opening of the restaurant, was: "follow the leader leader leader!!! follow the leader leader!!!" (repeat 3-5 or more times) (it seemed to M like something in 1984 or a kind of rhyme like "follow the führer führer führer")
in case of overwork they said: every hour is paid. ok but i say: really underpaid. (ok it's not required to work here i know but if you are an immigrant with 3-years of german language-knowledge, that's not native level... not really close to reach irreproachable C1 knowledge)
you know about the work hours now...and your work seconds? your every second is under control, they don't believe in you, they don't believe that you work. if you clear the table in one part of the restaurant, the shift leader comes to you and asks you to account for not picking up the plates in the other part of the restaurant. once M answered: sorry i can't clone myself... but a concrete dialog to this point:
shift leader: "it's nothing, right now, this restaurant is almost empty and just look around!! why are those tables full with dishes?"
M: "because i was at the other side of this hall and i was clearing the tables there"
shift leader: "you are not fast enough."
M: "if you are not satisfied with my work, please go to our boss and tell him. you can kick me out, you have the right to kick me out, this world is like that. i know." (and M began to cry, they were a little bit sensitive on this day because they had just gotten their period and for some weeks they had had enough of this leadership, so they continued crying throughout their speech): "i work as i can. i do all I can and how i can. that's my maximum." (the shift leader backed off, maybe he felt some empathy after M's crying.)
there are some shift leaders (great mass) who have similar logic as the above, and there are more colleagues who think that you don't work fast enough and why are you so quiet? at least you don't work the way they imagine that you should.
a positive point (!): there are two intelligent shift leaders and there are some intelligent colleagues. if you are lucky, you've got a workday when you can work with these latter ones. if you are lucky you don't have to work til 4 or 5 a.m.

what can you do? how can you change? maybe you think that you can got just a similarly shitty job... maybe you are so tired on your free days that you are not able to look for another little bit better job...what can somebody do whose German-knowledge is worse than yours? and if an employee accepts these above? what can somebody do if they work as a dishwasher, zimmermädchen (chambermaid) / roomboy, server (with an A1-A2, or B1-B2 german knowledge) and they keep working? i guess in some years they will become regular visitors of physiotherapists who will be financed by their health insurance which was subtracted from their salaries before. they will become lame or worse... and how much will their pensions be later and for how long? viz. for how long can they live as pensioners before they die? i can see the guests. they are rich young people, rich 30-40-50 year-olds and rich old men and old-ladies, etc... i don't believe that they or their parents work more than you or they are more effective or smarter than you. you've got the potential, everybody has the potential...i know. but somebody has the potential with handicaps maybe with accumulated handicaps...and it's just an example of big cities in western-Europe. what is it like in pakistan, bangladesh? and in china, where half the country is in slavery and the other half is capitalist and some exceptions are rich? why does somebody have more houses, cars, holidays, free seconds at their jobs (i know somebody who works 12 minutes per day (in a 8 hours/day job with really good salary. do you know that she is more qualified? maybe but why? does it depend on just ability really? sure!:D while some others have nothing and are almost homeless?

i am not a punk but almost one. i am not a refugee but almost one. i am not an enemy but almost one. yeah and i am totally bad if you ask certain people. don't pity me, in a few months (but not at this job, my back can bear max. a few more days here) i will pick up my backpack and i will go away i don't know where. maybe with my bike. actually i have never been on a holiday. i know i cannot run from globalisation and maybe i will become ill on the sun and then i will need an operation and if i have no health-insurance, i will die soon. on the beach. or in the desert. or in the park. i wanna ride a camel in the desert. there are 2 camels in the park. you can come with me. we can take some sandwiches with winter salami and we can drink some herbal tea from Uncle Gyuri and do some asanas. i can't practice yoga but i know it helps my back. you can hug me and that helps me too. and let's climb a tree too. it's the best way.  
[Umwelt - Overwork]

[Moby - Wait for me]

[Neil Young - Heart of Gold] 

Traditional prison tattoo

[Lajhi's tattoo-design on Mokus's biceps]


[Enduser - Too Many Fucking Stairs]

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Apáca Shoe

Gyerekkorunkban tesómmal vhs-ről magnókazettára felvettük az Apácashow film zenéit, közben a nappaliszoba és a völgyből beszűrődő tűzifát vágó körfűrész hangjait is, persze benne maradt amikor Whoopi szövegel meg az a lány is akinek csak egyetlen mondat jutott a filmben. Ki emlékszik rá? Jobb ha tudod, soha nem vagy egyedül! Előfordulhat hogy másnak van egy még viccesebb (és/vagy a tiéddel teljesen megegyező) kattanása. Egy nagyon tehetséges filmrendező barátomat meghökkenve hallgatták magukat művészetszerető embernek valló emberek, amikor arra a kérdésre, hogy mi a kedvenc filmje, azt válaszolta: "az Apácashow2." A lajhi blog már sok kedvenc filmjét (Oasis, Napoleon dynamite, Huszárik:  Elégia, Fassbinder filmek) ajánlotta eddig.
A hangulatos fotó: Iskoláslány-láb belógó kutyalábbal. Ez a cipő holnap államvizsgázik. Holnaputánután betipeg házasodni (különböző de egyező méretű 35-ös lábakon). Szerencsés egybeesés és fordulatos cipőélet.
His eye on the sparrow kb. 0:20-tól aztán 2:00 perctől.

 [Sister Act 2 - His Eye Is On The Sparrow]

[Sister Act 2 - Oh Happy Day]

[Sister Act 2 (Finale) Lauryn Hill - Joyful Joyful]

Whoopi: "Alma...lemerült az elem?"

[Hail Holy Queen from Sister Act]

Végül lelkésznek megyek (a Tizedessel). Statisztikailag bizonyított hogy ők élnek a legtovább. Persze nem emiatt megyünk. "Mindegy meddig hörpinted, az a lényeg hogy jó legyen." (kocsmában hallottam). Whoopi viccesebb:

[Sister Act- I Will Follow Him]