Sunday, October 19, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Black Train [Fekete Vonat]

[Fekete Vonat - A város másik oldalán (On the other site of the city)]

[Fekete Vonat - Bilako (Without Her)]

[Fekete Vonat - Még várj (Please wait)]

[Fekete Vonat - Hol van az a lány (Where is the girl who knows)]

"The name Fekete Vonat means 'Black Train', referring to the trains that Roma workers took between their homes and places of work in Budapest during the communist period.
[Language of Global Hip-hop, edited by Marina Terkourafi]

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Over my shoulders [my friend, Q said]


Nora's factory

Sri Ganesha Temple (under construction)

Camels in the Park

 "Our time is characterised by trifling,
people used to leave things easy,
they are drifting with the current,
they are trifling
in the most important moments.
People forget each other.
It pains to me less ever,
I just become sad more and more."
