Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wake up!

"Mókus, the rough thing is, that yesterday night, I was at the Möbelolfe with the girls, as usually... Meanwhile, in the neighborhood of Hungary, dozens of people were killed. They were demonstrating about freedom, and because of the extraordinary poverty, and for one day, to connect to EU. Which just can wait for them cleaning and dishwashing jobs, as it waiting for us all from eastern europe. This is why more than 26 people died for. In Kiev. But it could’ve happened in Budapest too. It’s sad, inhuman and inconceivable. But the saddest thing in all this is indifference. The indifference of the european people. Today I didn’t see any posts about this, about Ukraine of my western-european ( French, German, or whatever )  friends walls. Just one of my german friends went to a demonstration against the Ukrainian violence. At least she said yes in the event. She was care about it. My Ukrainian, Polish and Hungarian friends are shareing it, and they feel sad about it. But all quiet in the western front. Didn’t happen with them, that people killed each other in the countries next to them, since 1968. (except Northern Ireland and Basque Country). There was no Balkan war, and no Ceau?escu massacre..They can’t even imagine. They lost their empathy and that kind of fear, what you can feel in your guts. This is Afrika for them, so do we. This world, this system, start from the fake EU, through pig-fat-USA, to Putin’s empire, it’s ready to decay. It can’t go on like this. We have to wake up."

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