Thursday, December 28, 2017

Jiddu Krishnamurti

At the end of the year... Thank you for reading/visiting Lajhi blog. Thank you all.

Some Krishnamurti's videos:

if you have only 3munites... Krishnamurti - What is thinking?
Krishnamurti - about love, death, silence, etc.
Krishnamurti talks to children

Krishnamurti talks to children - by Lajhi

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Soul / Seele / Lélek

I made this today at my favorite teacher, Sir Sailer:

[recycled gum, paper, dirt, 2017 by Lajhi]

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Megalonyx - the greatgrandmother of Lajhi

cut, lighted and designed by Lajhi
photos of the sloth and the submarine I found on the internet, the stones are coming from Scotland.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


painted by Lajhi today afternoon....LAjhi tried to use more than 20 shades of grey (what the teacher asked at colourstudie curse). I don't know, what the artist thought at the time of the production of this artwork, but it is sure, this is a half-abstract picture !! it might contain some memories of the nice new wave gothic party on last Monday and of the hangovered days after (today too).

painted by Lajhi

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sleep Clinic

I left the busy big city where am living last weekend for being close to nature in silence. I slept 40 hours per 2days. In my waketime I cooked, ate a bit, walked into the forest, neatened a plush animal and read a bit from a book of Charles Bukowski.

video on vimeo:

a patient of the sleep clinic is walking in the nature

an old patient of the sleeping clinic is sitting in the grass and the wind

the patients of the sleep clinic can neaten some plush animals in their waketime

Monday, May 22, 2017

What should i do if i found a little bird fall out from the nest

I found this little bird on our balcony yesterday twice. I put it back to the birdhouse (picture 2) and we put pillows on the balcony, so the little bird doesn't get hurt. My flatmate wrote me in the night that birdy is back to the balcony. My flatmate and me searched after some advice on the internet....what should i do if i found a tiny bird...but we realised too what we should here come some suggestions for a similar case:
* Which kind of bird? - We discerned that this little bird is a tit;
* How big is it? - if it was a really little baby bird, they could not be alive after leaving the birdhouse
* What do they need? Let it there or put it back to the birdhouse? -At both times i put them back to the birdhouse but the third time i realised that they don't need it. Luckily the siblings and the parents of this bird are probably not intolerant against my smell (because i touched the little bird)
* What should i do then? - The parents came back and fed their child with fresh hunted insects, so I should do nothing just observe the little bird.

[picture 2]

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Stylish Nonsense - concert

Stylish Nonsense played at Schiller's pub in Neukölln, Berlin. This is a short part of their wonderful show:
video on vimeo (click on the pic):

more music by Stylish Nonsense:

interview with the band on Lajhi blog:

Friday, March 17, 2017

Mystic Machine

We renovated our kitchen last december. A mystic accident happened with our washingmachine at this time and our neighbour under us got soaked. In March a mystic company came with this machine - kind of a hoover. And it should be worked for two weeks around the clock.
video on vimeo:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

RESHMA MALAYATH [Mumbai, 29-01-2017]

I was sooo lucky in the evening of the Mumbai Pride March, because I could listen to Reshma Malayath. Now You can watch one 8minutes part of our conversation. There are hours when I just listen this video over and over again, I think You will understand me why, please just listen it. [You can find the video below the photo.]

Many thanks go to Reshma Malayath!


Friday, February 3, 2017

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Block on the Kids

The Lajhi Magasin captured one member of the newest boiband!

shoes @Ronnie
photography @LAjhi