Saturday, June 20, 2015



"The essence of instant gratification may be found in the void it leaves behind, urging to be filled again. Those who are able to or who are forced to live with the void for a longer period may come to realizations that lead them to lose interest in instant gratifications and solutions entirely."
[one of my best friends, H.Zs. "Q" said]

(hu) "A gyors hatású dolgok lényege a maguk után hagyott űrben keresendő, ami arra sarkall, hogy ismét kitöltsük. Ha valaki képes vagy kénytelen egy ideig ezt az űrt elviselni, olyasmikre jöhet rá, amik után többé nem érdeklik a  gyors hatások és megoldások." [H.Zs. "Q"]









Friday, June 12, 2015

impro // jack malanders

first performance // jack malanders

my dj friend Nora felt at 10sec before the end that maybe i fucked sth up...
 [link to vimeo]

..but the public wanted me again with the whole performance..
 [link to vimeo]

special thanks go to Sophia, Agis, Alice, David, Csabi, Jonna, Nora, Josh, all my friends, my Brother and my Mum!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

RANA / one-question-interview with Rana Fahran, the first blues singer of Iran

Lajhi: A friend of mine (Emő) told me about You. She mentioned a film "No one knows persian cats" and that, you should not have played yourself in this film. My question is that, if i can ask that: why? maybe because of political causes, if i suspect well...because you are female singer?

Rana: The film "No One Knows About Persian Cats" was filmed entirely in Iran and although the director Bahman Ghobadi asked me to appear in the movie, I felt it was too risky to return to Iran for pretty much the same reasons you stated. Women are not allowed to perform as a lead singer and I could have been possibly arrested or detained. The director felt my music was an integral part of the film so he decided to show a blurred silhouette to represent me.

Rana's bio:

You can find Rana's voice from the 29minute of the movie under this link:

i really like the animation-video of the song: