Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

About a tree

I am a tree...i can see a lot of things, maybe better than this camera..

now you can see me

maybe other too [under my leaves]

and this other one can see me too

and you can see this other one too. i care about it/her/him

i care about the birds too

but i don't mind smog, i can bear it smooth.

yeah and am organic design street-furniture too, multifunctional...i stand by you in the rain if you would like meditation helper too..

  I don't wanna boast a star too...
as walking-tree in a music video of Pete Doherty
after Peter's video I played the lead in an other video...

i really like time traveling

but what i really like to make is... to live, to watch/listen to the other living beings or not living creatures (bikes, stones, water, ping pong-ball, etc.) and maybe i will surprise someones but.. to be humane. i spend a lot of time thinking about what there will be 300 years after and then what counts? it's a good question@Dalai Lama, i think.
and...i've got an unattainable dream...once singing with you and my friends in Monster Ronson's Ichiban Karaoke Bar...but after all i can believe in evolution.

[Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars]

photos and text@Lajhi

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday, August 10, 2014


and we danced with the Corp and the others and when we did't dance, we just sat in the smoke watching these great was a cool party with fuckinggreat phenomenas: Lilly, Ronnie&Corp, my mind slipped a cog and i forgot the problems of this world for a moment. now i'm back with my 1/2brain and with my whole heart...till comes a little8bit spacemusic. instead of a safety helmet...get a skafander everyone!

Tizedessel erre nyomtuk és amikor épp nem táncoltunk csak ültünk a füstben ezeket a csodás bolygókat nézve...rohadtnagybulivolt..kurvajófejekkel_ Lilly, Ronnie+Tizedes..megfeledkeztem egy pillanatra a világ gondjairó most visszatértem maradék agyammal+tisztaszívemmel. addig is..spacemusic...biciklisbukósisak helyett szkafandert mindenkinek!

...just sat in the smoke watching these great planets..